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ACB Toy Reviews: Marvel Legends Venom Wave 1

ACB Toys & Collectibles proudly presents: Daughter & Daddy Toy Reviews! We began doing things a little differently with this review, with a random drawing to see which toy set we were going to demo next. This review features Marvel Legends Venom Wave 1, and made Audrey want to hide with all of the bad guys in the mix!

Wave 1 includes Carnage, Poison, Scream, Spider-Ham, and Venom. Together they all have parts that create the Build-a-Figure of Monster Venom.  If you’re a Venom or symbiote fan, this is a good mix of characters to add to your Marvel Legends collection! (Just be warned, characters that swing around and talk about “eating brains” or “sucking on your marrow,” are not necessarily big hits for our younger fans!).

Daughter & Daddy Review: Marvel Legends Venom Wave 1

Visit our store to order your Marvel Legends Venom Wave 1 Action Figures today!