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ACB Toy Reviews: Assorted Marvel Legends Avengers

In the midst of an Avengers marathon, Audrey wanted to do some more videos and open some more Avengers. So our latest Daughter & Daddy Review has a variety of Marvel Legends sets, including Iron Man (from Avengers Infinity War), Thor & Rocket & Groot (a Toys R’ Us Exclusive from Infinity War), Loki & Corvus Glaive (a Walmart Exclusive from Infinity War), Luis & Ghost (from Ant-Man and the Wasp), The Grandmaster & Korg (from Thor Ragnarok), and the Avengers Endgame Hulk Wave (Beta Ray Bill, Loki, Shuri, Rescue, Rock Python, Union Jack, and War Machine – with Hulk as the Build-a-Figure). Watch it now….

Interested in these sets? Order yours today!